Mission spotlight 15 februari 2025. Come n See caféet är ett livligt centrum för dem som söker gemenskap och erbjuder autentisk koreansk mat och gratis språkkurser. Här finns en välkomnande plats för gemenskap som hjälper människor att utforska sin tro och upptäcka Guds kärlek.
tor 13 feb 08:51
Mission spotlight 8 februari 2025. Flor kämpade med missbruk och kände sig ensam tills hennes granne, Arlin, sträckte ut en hand och visade medkänsla. Genom bön, bibelstudier och vänskap fann Flor hopp, helande och ett nytt liv i Jesus.
tor 6 feb
Mission spotlight 1 februari 2025. Renato, en volontär från Brasilien, förväntade sig att tjänstgöra på avlägsna platser men skickades till den livliga staden Bangkok i Thailand. Han blev förvånad men insåg snart att städer har sina egna missionsutmaningar. Genom att undervisa har Renato hittat sätt att få kontakt med människor och dela med sig av Jesu kärlek!
tor 30 jan
Mission spotlight 25 januari 2025. Genis Mansilla arbetade en gång i tiden på kokafälten och var inte särskilt intresserad av religion. Men efter att ha träffat sin blivande fru och studerat Bibeln med hennes adventistfamilj började hans liv att förändras.
tor 23 jan
Hope Sabbath School. Lesson 3. TO BE PLEASING TO OUR LOVING GOD. Klicka på kugghjulet Inställningar. Sedan Undertexter, Översätt automatiskt och Svenska.
tor 16 jan
Mission spotlight 18 januari 2025. Haon, Sion och Jooyoung var bästa vänner som älskade att leka utomhus, fånga insekter och ödlor och ta hand om hemlösa katter. Haon och Sion kände Jesus, men det gjorde inte Jooyoung, så de började be om att hon skulle lära känna och älska honom.
tor 16 jan
Mission spotlight 11 januari 2025. Tusgal Seventh-day Adventist School i Ulaanbaatar kombinerar framgångsrikt tro och utbildning för sina elever, men saknar ett gymnastiksal på campus. För närvarande hyr de en anläggning för fysisk träning, vilket innebär en del utmaningar.
tor 9 jan
Mission spotlight 4 januari 2025. Hankook Sahmyook Middle-High School in South Korea has long been a pillar of education and community service. Facing challenges like yellow dust, they’re building a new gym and mission center to enhance student and community life.
tor 2 jan
Mission spotlight 28 december 2024. St. Louis holds a special place in the heart of Pastor Michael Coridan, who grew up there. Now a pastor in his childhood church, Michael sees the diverse needs of St. Louis and believes in addressing them with different approaches. Each local Adventist church is involved and striving to reach its community in unique ways.
26 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 21 december 2024. The Inupiat people of Utqiagvik endure two months of darkness during the winter. Due to this, suicide rates are three times higher than the national average. Rachel, a church elder and her congregation responded by organizing Blue Christmas, a candlelight vigil providing support during this challenging period.
19 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 14 december 2024. Rachel Anna Knight, an African-American Adventist missionary, was a nurse, teacher, colporteur, Bible worker, and conference official. Born in Mississippi in 1874, she overcame racial barriers to pursue education and faith. After embracing the Adventist faith, she traveled 400 miles to be baptized. Later, she served in India and became the first black female missionary sent by the Adventist church.
12 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 7 december 2024. An original song "Deserts to Oceans" with Naomi Striemer | Album: Hope That Breaks the Dark | naomistriemermusic.com
5 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 30 november 2024. Bridgette from Canada, works as an AVS missionary in Indonesia, driven by her childhood experiences as a homeless child. Deby from Bolivia, teaches English at Dharma Putra Adventist School in Jakarta. Both Bridgette and Deby are committed to enriching the lives of their students.
28 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 23 november 2024. Faith loved going to Deep and Wide, a church in her village in Alaska. Each Friday night, she eagerly waited for Saturday to come so she could attend church. Excitedly, she would sing “Deep and wide, deep and wide!” This church was her favorite place to be.
21 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 16 november 2024. Pastor Ko Salee, his wife, and their daughter, Kayla made a move for God by relocating to Hickory, North Carolina to serve at a Hmong church plant. With the support of Adventist Refugee and Immigrant Ministries, they aim to empower the community and prepare leaders to share the gospel to their own people.
14 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 9 november 2024. After Lewis Finster graduated from Union College, he and his wife felt called to serve overseas. They served in different nations before they ended up in the Philippines. When they arrived, there were no Filipino Adventists.
7 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 2 november 2024. While serving in Brussels, Ricardo Perieira felt a burden to serve the secular and post-Christian population. This community is growing, presenting many mission challenges. To address this, Ricardo decided to start a Portugese-speaking church plant, hoping to provide people with an opportunity to encounter God.
31 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 26 oktober 2024. Miss Samuel from Dominica chose a creative approach to teach her students about prayer by using a time capsule. The students filled the capsule and at the end of the term, they would open it to see if God answered their prayers. Take a look to see how God moved in their lives!
24 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 19 oktober 2024. Kesia had never heard of Bible Boot Camp until Josephine invited her to join. At first, it didn't interest her much but after seeing how much her siblings enjoyed it, she decided to try it out.
17 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 12 oktober 2024. The only Adventist church in Bethel, Alaska, serves its village but also 55 smaller villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Regardless of this challenge, they find ways to make a difference through serving the homeless, hosting potlucks, leading Bible classes, and much more.
10 okt 2024