Mission spotlight 15 februari 2025. Come n See caféet är ett livligt centrum för dem som söker gemenskap och erbjuder autentisk koreansk mat och gratis språkkurser. Här finns en välkomnande plats för gemenskap som hjälper människor att utforska sin tro och upptäcka Guds kärlek.
tor 13 feb 08:51
Mission spotlight 8 februari 2025. Flor kämpade med missbruk och kände sig ensam tills hennes granne, Arlin, sträckte ut en hand och visade medkänsla. Genom bön, bibelstudier och vänskap fann Flor hopp, helande och ett nytt liv i Jesus.
tor 6 feb
Mission spotlight 1 februari 2025. Renato, en volontär från Brasilien, förväntade sig att tjänstgöra på avlägsna platser men skickades till den livliga staden Bangkok i Thailand. Han blev förvånad men insåg snart att städer har sina egna missionsutmaningar. Genom att undervisa har Renato hittat sätt att få kontakt med människor och dela med sig av Jesu kärlek!
tor 30 jan
Mission spotlight 25 januari 2025. Genis Mansilla arbetade en gång i tiden på kokafälten och var inte särskilt intresserad av religion. Men efter att ha träffat sin blivande fru och studerat Bibeln med hennes adventistfamilj började hans liv att förändras.
tor 23 jan
Hope Sabbath School. Lesson 3. TO BE PLEASING TO OUR LOVING GOD. Klicka på kugghjulet Inställningar. Sedan Undertexter, Översätt automatiskt och Svenska.
tor 16 jan
Mission spotlight 18 januari 2025. Haon, Sion och Jooyoung var bästa vänner som älskade att leka utomhus, fånga insekter och ödlor och ta hand om hemlösa katter. Haon och Sion kände Jesus, men det gjorde inte Jooyoung, så de började be om att hon skulle lära känna och älska honom.
tor 16 jan
Mission spotlight 11 januari 2025. Tusgal Seventh-day Adventist School i Ulaanbaatar kombinerar framgångsrikt tro och utbildning för sina elever, men saknar ett gymnastiksal på campus. För närvarande hyr de en anläggning för fysisk träning, vilket innebär en del utmaningar.
tor 9 jan
Mission spotlight 4 januari 2025. Hankook Sahmyook Middle-High School in South Korea has long been a pillar of education and community service. Facing challenges like yellow dust, they’re building a new gym and mission center to enhance student and community life.
tor 2 jan
Mission spotlight 28 december 2024. St. Louis holds a special place in the heart of Pastor Michael Coridan, who grew up there. Now a pastor in his childhood church, Michael sees the diverse needs of St. Louis and believes in addressing them with different approaches. Each local Adventist church is involved and striving to reach its community in unique ways.
26 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 21 december 2024. The Inupiat people of Utqiagvik endure two months of darkness during the winter. Due to this, suicide rates are three times higher than the national average. Rachel, a church elder and her congregation responded by organizing Blue Christmas, a candlelight vigil providing support during this challenging period.
19 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 14 december 2024. Rachel Anna Knight, an African-American Adventist missionary, was a nurse, teacher, colporteur, Bible worker, and conference official. Born in Mississippi in 1874, she overcame racial barriers to pursue education and faith. After embracing the Adventist faith, she traveled 400 miles to be baptized. Later, she served in India and became the first black female missionary sent by the Adventist church.
12 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 7 december 2024. An original song "Deserts to Oceans" with Naomi Striemer | Album: Hope That Breaks the Dark | naomistriemermusic.com
5 dec 2024
Mission spotlight 30 november 2024. Bridgette from Canada, works as an AVS missionary in Indonesia, driven by her childhood experiences as a homeless child. Deby from Bolivia, teaches English at Dharma Putra Adventist School in Jakarta. Both Bridgette and Deby are committed to enriching the lives of their students.
28 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 23 november 2024. Faith loved going to Deep and Wide, a church in her village in Alaska. Each Friday night, she eagerly waited for Saturday to come so she could attend church. Excitedly, she would sing “Deep and wide, deep and wide!” This church was her favorite place to be.
21 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 16 november 2024. Pastor Ko Salee, his wife, and their daughter, Kayla made a move for God by relocating to Hickory, North Carolina to serve at a Hmong church plant. With the support of Adventist Refugee and Immigrant Ministries, they aim to empower the community and prepare leaders to share the gospel to their own people.
14 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 9 november 2024. After Lewis Finster graduated from Union College, he and his wife felt called to serve overseas. They served in different nations before they ended up in the Philippines. When they arrived, there were no Filipino Adventists.
7 nov 2024
Mission spotlight 2 november 2024. While serving in Brussels, Ricardo Perieira felt a burden to serve the secular and post-Christian population. This community is growing, presenting many mission challenges. To address this, Ricardo decided to start a Portugese-speaking church plant, hoping to provide people with an opportunity to encounter God.
31 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 26 oktober 2024. Miss Samuel from Dominica chose a creative approach to teach her students about prayer by using a time capsule. The students filled the capsule and at the end of the term, they would open it to see if God answered their prayers. Take a look to see how God moved in their lives!
24 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 19 oktober 2024. Kesia had never heard of Bible Boot Camp until Josephine invited her to join. At first, it didn't interest her much but after seeing how much her siblings enjoyed it, she decided to try it out.
17 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 12 oktober 2024. The only Adventist church in Bethel, Alaska, serves its village but also 55 smaller villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Regardless of this challenge, they find ways to make a difference through serving the homeless, hosting potlucks, leading Bible classes, and much more.
10 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 5 oktober 2024. Chee Nu recently lost his best friend and his health was poor. However, a simple conversation about tomatoes with a friend unexpectedly guided him towards discovering the Adventist faith, embracing a healthier lifestyle, and serving at a Hmong church plant.
3 okt 2024
Mission spotlight 28 september 2024. An Adventist school in Colombia was robbed, but the items were returned after a gang boss learned that gang members had robbed the school he attended as a child. Please pray for this school that will receive a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering.
26 sep 2024
Mission spotlight 21 september 2024. An Adventist school in Dominica had to shut down the registration because it was completely full. Students were begging for space, asking if they could bring their own desk so they can have a spot in the school.
19 sep 2024
Mission spotlight 14 september 2024. Global Mission pioneers Iwan and Jamal saw the pressing needs of a community in Indonesia, and took steps to address them. Through meeting these needs, the pioneers have built strong friendships with people in the community.
12 sep 2024
Mission spotlight 7 september 2024. Original music by Linus Wee Lyrics by Tan Jia Hong Performed by Mandy Chua, Yew Hong Qi, Jimmy Chow, Sheena Quek Lyric video produced by Faith Toh Music & Lyrics for It Starts With Me © 2019 Find out more about Discipleship Pathway - http://adventist.org.sg/pathway
5 sep 2024
Mission spotlight 31 augusti 2024. On the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, vulnerable kids and young adults are often targeted to become involved in drugs and other negative influences. This quarter, a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will help build a center to provide a safe place for them to stay while they learn skills to find jobs. Thank you for your support!
29 aug 2024
Mission spotlight 24 augusti 2024. Hickel was bitten by one of the most dangerous snakes in Costa Rica! As he laid in the hospital bed, his mom prayed for a miracle!
22 aug 2024
Mission spotlight 17 augusti 2024. In 2021, a portion of the 13th Sabbath Offering allowed Central America Adventist University to open a center of influence on their campus in Costa Rica. Let's take a look at the impact your offering has made so far!
15 aug 2024
Mission spotlight 10 augusti 2024. Jaquiel never imagined he would be lying face down on the ground, covered in blood, fighting for his life. He had been shot six times and didn't know whether he would live or die.
8 aug 2024
Mission spotlight 3 augusti 2024. By contextualizing the gospel for the people of northern Thailand, Clifton and a Thai painter opened doors that may have never opened otherwise. They offered the opportunity for people to see a message of hope that most of them would not have listened to if it had not been painted.
1 aug 2024
Mission spotlight 27 juli 2024. Dr. Arthur Geschke, his wife, and their infant son left San Francisco on a Japanese liner headed for Thailand. They accepted a call to serve as a medical missionary in southeast Asia and were just starting their new adventure.
25 jul 2024
Mission spotlight 20 juli 2024. Destiny heard her two brothers talking about Adventurers, a club in which children could learn about Jesus and participate in fun activities. Destiny’s heart fluttered with curiosity. She was bored at home and longed for new adventures.
18 jul 2024
Mission spotlight 13 juli 2024. After about a year of trying to have a baby, Stephanie and her husband were unable to get pregnant. They looked into adoption but found the process would take longer than expected. Then they met Michelle!
11 jul 2024
Mission spotlight 6 juli 2024. The Adventist university in Colombia discovered that surrounding communities lacked sufficient healthcare. With the help of the students, the university created a mobile health clinic. Students like Henry have been impacted by this project!
4 jul 2024
Mission spotlight 29 juni 2024. Knarik was introduced to the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the Dr. Veggie cafe. Urban centers of influence such as Dr. Veggie can be a crucial bridge between the Adventist church and its community.
27 jun 2024
Mission spotlight 22 juni 2024. Adventists in the country of Georgia welcome refugees to their church for a variety of classes and programs. Church members have been praying for funds to build an urban center of influence that would provide space for them to offer more programs to their community.
20 jun 2024
Mission spotlight 15 juni 2024. Nicole hadn't been to church in years, but when the COVID pandemic hit, she remembered a Seventh-day Adventist church she visited as a kid and wanted to reconnect.
13 jun 2024
Mission spotlight 8 juni 2024. "Donn zezi ou leker" (Give Jesus Your Heart). An original song by Valda from Seychelles.
6 jun 2024
Mission spotlight 1 juni 2024. Ales was born in Belarus with hearing in only one ear. Doctors told her there was nothing that could be done. But Ales' parents prayed for a miracle.
30 maj 2024
Mission spotlight 25 maj 2024. Ales was born in Belarus with hearing in only one ear. Doctors told her there was nothing that could be done. But Ales' parents prayed for a miracle.
23 maj 2024
Mission spotlight 18 maj 2024. In 2011, a portion of the 13th Sabbath Offering was used to translate children’s materials, like books, into the local languages of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Let's find out how that offering impacted kids at that time!
16 maj 2024
Mission spotlight 11 maj 2024. Hari, a Global Mission pioneer in Nepal, faces prejudice and challenges as he tries to share the gospel with the villagers. He befriends Suresh, a man who has a troubled life, and helps him find hope and peace in Jesus.
9 maj 2024
Mission spotlight 4 maj 2024. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is calling on a family to serve in Switzerland. We pray that the Holy Spirit will go before this missionary family, and that we each will make a fresh re-commitment to reach the unreached with hope.
2 maj 2024
Mission spotlight 27 april 2024. A former gambler in Uzbekistan finds Jesus and transforms his life. He now cooks meals for the community and invites them to spend time together. He hopes to share joy with others.
25 apr 2024
Mission spotlight 20 april 2024. Daniil and his friends had just enjoyed a day of sledding. As they left the hill they came across an accident that they feel God protected them from!
18 apr 2024
Mission spotlight 13 april 2024. Miburo Balthazar, a church leader in Burundi, was amazed by the Hope for Africa series on Hope Channel. He and his congregation learned new truths and decided to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Hope Channel is changing lives in Africa and beyond with the gospel message.
11 apr 2024
Mission spotlight 6 april 2024. They met at church and fell in love with their common vision of sharing Jesus with their community. Now this couple is preparing to reach out to the busy and lonely people of Armenia. They need your prayers as they embark on this exciting adventure of faith and love!
4 apr 2024
Mission spotlight 30 mars 2024. Due to its old facilities, especially the girls' dorm with asbestos sheets, the E. D. Thomas Memorial Higher Secondary School faces challenges, and a portion of the 13th Sabbath Offering will be used to renovate the dorm for a safer and more comfortable environment for the students.
28 mar 2024
Mission spotlight 23 mars 2024. In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Alex attends a Seventh-day Adventist school that goes until preschool. When he faced challenges attending school on Sabbath, it emphasized the need for expanding the Adventist school up to high school. The community seeks support through the 13th Sabbath Offering to provide higher education for more students.
21 mar 2024
Mission spotlight 16 mars 2024. After a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Antakya in February 2023, reducing much of the city to rubble, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) mobilized a team of volunteers and pastors to provide urgent support.
14 mar 2024
Mission spotlight 9 mars 2024. An original song "Tell Somebody" Written by: Audrey Hunt and Stacy Blanzy. Performed by: Two Little Fish (ft. Notes of Praise and Charleston SDA Singers) https://www.twolittlefishmusic.com/
7 mar 2024
Mission spotlight 2 mars 2024. Lowry Adventist College in south India faces challenges due to overcrowding and deteriorating conditions in its old auditorium, where students and churchgoers gather for worship. Despite these challenges, the college and church community are dedicated to wholistic education, spiritual growth, and inclusivity, and they are seeking support to build a new church on campus through the 13th Sabbath Offering.
29 feb 2024
Mission spotlight 24 feb 2024. Asmita, a young girl in eastern Nepal, faces challenges as her parents struggle with alcoholism and constant fighting at home. After her mother leaves, Asmita finds solace and purpose in attending church, where she discovers God and a sense of belonging.
22 feb 2024
Mission spotlight 17 feb 2024. In the heart of Bangalore's tech industry, the Central Kannada Church, which began in classrooms and laboratories, faced challenges finding space for its growing congregation. Thanks to the support of the 13th Sabbath Offering, the church obtained a property and is now constructing a new 4300-square-foot building, enabling them to expand their ministry among the city's middle and upper-class residents.
15 feb 2024
Mission spotlight 10 feb 2024. In a remote Cabécar village in Costa Rica, Arsenio, a Global Mission pioneer, overcomes physical and cultural barriers to share the Adventist message. Arsenio and aspiring pastor Melvin work passionately to bring hope and the love of Jesus to their indigenous community, striving to make the gospel accessible in their native language.
8 feb 2024
Mission spotlight 3 feb 2024. Cero, is a church plant in Madrid, Spain that welcomes people with doubts and questions. Silvia, a skeptic, found solace in Cero, rediscovering her belief in God and experiencing love and acceptance, prompting her baptism.
1 feb 2024
Mission spotlight 27 jan 2024. Frank Starr Bond and his brother Walter were the first Adventist missionaries to bring the Adventist message to Spain. Frank, along with his wife Martha, established schools and churches, baptized families, and played a significant role in the growth of the Adventist community in Spain.
25 jan 2024
Mission spotlight 20 jan 2024. Jennifer, a 12-year-old girl from northern India, starts and ends her day with heartfelt prayers to Jesus, expressing gratitude and seeking blessings for her family, school, and daily activities. Despite facing challenges, her faith remains unwavering, and her prayers are a source of comfort and connection.
18 jan 2024
Mission spotlight 13 jan 2024. In a mountainous region of Nepal, young Aashisrai and other Adventist children faced challenges in accessing education until a local church rented a school building. Despite limited resources and facilities, dedicated teachers strive to provide Adventist education, but the community's dream of establishing their own school with improved facilities depends on support from the 13th Sabbath Offering.
11 jan 2024
Mission spotlight 6 jan 2024. Joshua's dream to attend an Adventist school came to life thanks to community kindness and unwavering faith. Your support of the 13th Sabbath Offering can illuminate more lives this quarter!
4 jan 2024
Mission spotlight 30 dec 2023. A young student came to study math, science, and history, never dreaming she would learn something that would save her life.
28 dec 2023
Mission spotlight 23 dec 2023. The military is rarely the first place that comes to mind when thinking of pastoral ministry. In Ghana, one Seventh-day Adventist pastor has risen to the top rank of chaplaincy in the army.
21 dec 2023
Mission spotlight 16 dec 2023. Emil Frauchiger was a pioneer, colporteur, pastor, missionary, and administrator in Europe and the Middle East for 44 years. Read the entire articles about Emil Frauchiger and others in the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists at encyclopedia.adventist.org.
14 dec 2023
Mission spotlight 9 dec 2023. A translation of the orginal "I Will Go" theme song. Translation from English to Bangla: Nipa Chisim Pandey Accompaniment reproduction, voice recording, mix-master: Robert Nelson Sircar Voices: Lethi Baidya, Rimie Das, Deepanwita Sircar
7 dec 2023
Mission spotlight 2 dec 2023. Today there are more than 9,000 churches and companies and some 800,000 Seventh-day Adventists in Mexico meaning that there is one Adventist for every 163 people. Let's see how the work first began in Mexico!
30 nov 2023
Mission spotlight 25 nov 2023. It was a very special Sabbath all around the world. The third Sabbath of May is World Adventurer Day — a day when Adventurers around the world celebrate being Adventurers. Let's see how Ketsia and others served others on this day!
23 nov 2023
Mission spotlight 18 nov 2023. For the first time in many years, Jinad and the university students will worship all together thanks to your contribution to the 13th Sabbath offering. Please pray for Valley View University and future 13th Sabbath offering projects around the world.
16 nov 2023
Mission spotlight 11 nov 2023. After a violent earthquake struck Haiti, some lost everything and left the country in search of a better life. Viler and others finally found the home they were looking for when they arrived in Santiago, Chile.
9 nov 2023
Mission spotlight 4 nov 2023. If you could make a difference in someone’s life by giving up something for one day or one week, would you do it? What would you give up?
2 nov 2023
Mission spotlight 28 okt 2023. We thank God for how His kingdom is expanding around the world. But we still face huge mission challenges. Let’s look at the four biggest challenges we face.
26 okt 2023
Mission spotlight 21 okt 2023. David is 13 years old, and he has shared his food with his classmates for eight years. His kindness has surprised some, and they ask, “Why are you sharing?” David likes to tell them the story of how Jesus shared food with a crowd of thousands of people.
19 okt 2023
Mission spotlight 14 okt 2023. The Adventist Nursing and Midwifery Training College has become a place of high demand for education. Their biggest issue is space. This quarter, part of your 13th Sabbath offering will help the school complete the construction of new classrooms.
12 okt 2023
Mission spotlight 7 okt 2023. Dolphijn was the name of a local trader who lived in Apam, Ghana in the late 1800's. At the time, there were no Adventists living in the region. He picked up a tract from the sea that changed everything.
5 okt 2023
Mission spotlight 30 sep 2023. We rejoice to see new groups of believers planted in the 10/40 Window, in the city, among other religious groups, among the secular and post-Christian. But the time has come for another mission refocus. A time for aligning our hearts and minds, our people, our resources, our budgets to reach the unreached with hope.
28 sep 2023
Mission spotlight 23 sept 2023. In Latvia, Adventists aren’t afraid to try creative approaches to ministry. This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will create a new urban center of influence in the capital city of Riga!
21 sep 2023
Mission spotlight 16 sept 2023. Ruslana and her family are among the millions of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Few know where they will end up. Adventist churches across Europe are redefining what it means for a church to be a sanctuary. ADRA supports their efforts to take in thousands of refugees.
14 sep 2023
Mission spotlight 9 sept 2023. On a busy street along the coast of Montenegro, an Adventist-owned vegan restaurant prepares for the lunch rush. Operating a restaurant such as this one creates the opportunity to talk with customers about a variety of topics.
7 sep 2023
Mission spotlight 2 sept 2023. An original song by LoudVoice. Official GYD22 theme song. To hear more from them, visit their YouTube page.
31 aug 2023
Mission spotlight 26 aug 2023. Realizing the importance of reaching the young in their community, church members in cities around the world are connecting with this special group in different ways. Visit missiontothecities.org for resources and more ideas on how you can use your skills and talents to reach the people in your city.
24 aug 2023
Mission spotlight 19 aug 2023. Anna and Emilia have a lot in common. They like the piano, dogs, gymnastics, Pathfinders, camporees, the Bible, and playing special music. But now they have something even more important in common. They both love Jesus.
17 aug 2023
Mission spotlight 12 aug 2023. In 2020, a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering helped establish a church in Novi Belgrade. They were able to get a space with two levels and are in the process of renovating the lower level to be an urban center of influence! Thank you for giving to the 13th Sabbath Offering.
10 aug 2023
Mission spotlight 5 aug 2023. Today there are more than 1 million Seventh-day Adventists in Kenya worshiping in more than 10 thousand churches and companies. One in 49 people is a Seventh-day Adventist. Let's go back to see how the Adventist message spread throughout Kenya.
3 aug 2023
Mission spotlight 29 juli 2023. Many of you helped to establish a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in the city of Kalay, Myanmar. The center is there to assist people who are struggling to overcome their addictions. Thanks to your faithful giving to Global Mission, this project is now fully funded and is helping to change lives for the glory of God!
27 jul 2023
Mission spotlight 22 juli 2023. In Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, a new church plant has been created. They are finding a new way to reach the unchurched. Pastor Joanne and her community are active in ministering to the city.
19 jul 2023
Mission spotlight 15 juli 2023. Six-year-old Julia sat at her desk and waited for the teacher to speak. She knew what the teacher was going to ask, and she was ready to answer on this rainy day.
12 jul 2023
Mission spotlight 8 juli 2023. After only one Friday night service in their building, the Adventist property was confiscated and held by local authorities. A pioneer Adventist tells the challenges of the early days in Montenegro.
5 jul 2023
Mission spotlight 1 juli 2023. Hundreds of motorcycles flooded the streets of Serbia on their way to the Adventist Motorcycle Ministry bike festival! It was a chance for people across Europe to get to know Adventists. Pray that people will come to know Jesus as a result of this creative ministry.
28 jun 2023
Mission spotlight 24 juni 2023. During the summer, Adriana works at summer camp in Switzerland because of the positive memories she has of being a camper. This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will go to the renovations of the camp.
21 jun 2023
Mission spotlight 17 juni 2023. The Setúbal Adventist School has run out of space to grow and they have few resources. Staff, students, and their families pray for a new building that can accommodate this school’s potential. This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offerings will help construct a new school building.
14 jun 2023
Mission spotlight 10 juni 2023. In one of the driest regions of Kenya, a church caught the vision of starting new groups of believers among unreached people groups near their community. The local church, the conference, Global Mission, and supporting ministries like Reach International and Maranatha Volunteers International, all did their part.
7 jun 2023
Mission spotlight 3 juni 2023. An original song by Nicholas Zork. Sung by Susan Zork.
31 maj 2023
Mission spotlight 27 maj 2023. Tentmakers usually work in countries and areas where regular mission work is difficult or not possible. They can work in places where missionaries are not allowed. Let's hear from some tentmakers today!
24 maj 2023
Mission spotlight 20 maj 2023. Two-year-old Denisa loved going to school. She loved playing with her best friend, Timeea. But when Timeea played with other little girls and boys, Denisa felt sad. She went to the corner and cried loudly. How did she overcome this feeling?
17 maj 2023
Mission spotlight 13 maj 2023. In 2016, church members in Ragusa, Italy, appealed to Adventist members around the world to help them build a new church. Let's visit to see how the 13th Sabbath Offering was used!
10 maj 2023
Mission spotlight 6 maj 2023. As many countries face the task of helping refugees adapt to new lives, one may ask, “What can I do to help? Greg and Amy considered that same question after Greg’s grandfather moved from their house in the United States; they wondered how they could put their now-available basement to use.
3 maj 2023
Mission spotlight 29 april 2023. Pioneer missionaries Frank and Mary Westphal arrived in Brazil. They found the Adventist message had already arrived some 15 years earlier as ink on paper in a seaside port in the state of Santa Catarina.
26 apr 2023
Mission spotlight 22 april 2023. Kaoru had always hoped that her daughter Saori would accept Jesus and be baptized, but sadly she showed no interest. When Kaoru was hospitalized with a brain disease, Saori found support in the Adventist Church.
19 apr 2023
Mission spotlight 15 april 2023. Grandmother Brigitte desperately needed a new roof. She found out that a new roof would cost a lot of money. She had to choose between giving to a mission project or fixing her roof. Find out what she decided to do!
12 apr 2023
Mission spotlight 8 april 2023. A small school in Portugal has big potential. This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offerings will help construct a new school building in a fast growing area of the city. Please join Adventists in Portugal in prayer for the future of this school.
5 apr 2023
Mission spotlight 1 april 2023. Arnaud's experiences at summer camp in Switzerland influenced him to serve as an Adventist volunteer in Egypt. This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will help renovate the summer camp that makes a difference in young people's lives.
29 mar 2023
Mission spotlight 25 mars 2023. Ngoma College of Health Sciences at the Ngoma campus of the Adventist University of Central Africa, is situated about 150 kilometers from Kigali, the country’s capital. Your support of a new dormitory through the 13th Sabbath Offering this quarter will make a difference in the lives of those on this campus.
22 mar 2023
Mission spotlight 18 mars 2023. The first mission station in Uganda was built in Nchwanga, about 160 kilometers outside of the capital city, Kampala. Your 13th Sabbath Offering will help build a training center here. The church is excited to train and equip more youth who can go out to preach the gospel and support themselves to disciple others.
15 mar 2023
Mission spotlight 11 mars 2023. An original song by artist Nahash Mwathi. Loving Tone Shot It.
8 mar 2023
Mission spotlight 4 mars 2023. We’ve seen many new people groups and countries entered. We’ve seen thousands of new churches planted. We’ve seen literally millions of people find hope and salvation in Jesus. Of course, many mission challenges still remain.
1 mar 2023
Mission spotlight 25 februari 2023. Precious wanted to study in the beautiful buildings of a popular school she had heard about. She didn’t want to study in the much more modest buildings of the Adventist primary school. When her Father returned at the end of the school term, he was surprised when Precious announced that she wanted to return to the Adventist school after her vacation.
22 feb 2023
Mission spotlight 18 februari 2023. In 2010 the Adventist University of Central Africa received 13th Sabbath Offering funds to build a multipurpose hall that can hold 2,500 students. The students and faculty can still have fellowship while following safety guidelines. This multipurpose building is a testimony of how God is still in control in difficult times. Please pray for the students and faculties at the Adventist University of Central Africa.
15 feb 2023
Mission spotlight 11 februari 2023. Dr. Conceição was the first volunteer doctor to join the 29th Luzeiro boat. By accepting this volunteer opportunity, she found the purpose she had been looking for. She boards the 29th Luzeiro boat to relieve the pain and illnesses that affect villagers along the river.
8 feb 2023
Mission spotlight 4 februari 2023. In 2022, a small group of Adventists representing multiple countries met together in the United States, and rode their bikes from Washington D.C. to St. Louis, where the GC Session was held, in tribute to Philip Reekie and his ministry. They shared Adventist literature along the way.
1 feb 2023
Mission spotlight 28 januari 2023. Imagine being in Eugowra, Australia more than 100 years ago, when a bike-riding Adventist literature evangelist comes on the scene. He has no idea that someday, his visit to this small town would affect thousands of lives and reach around the world.
25 jan 2023
Mission spotlight 21 januari 2023. Have you ever preached a sermon? Juge is a boy in Rwanda. He preached his first sermon when he was 2 years old. Today, Juge is 9 years old. He has preached in more than 60 churches. More than 2 million people have heard his sermons in person or online.
18 jan 2023
Mission spotlight 14 januari 2023. Kisii is about 300 kilometers west of the capital city of Nairobi and is home to the country’s first Adventist school, the Mwata Adventist school for the deaf. Part of your 13th Sabbath Offerings this quarter will help finish their dormitory and build a multipurpose hall so students can have a safe place to study.
11 jan 2023
Mission spotlight 7 januari 2023. In 2016, the Seventh-day Adventist Church accepted an invitation from the president of Rwanda to start a medical school. By 2019, the Adventist School of Medicine of East-Central Africa opened its doors with a clear mission view! The 13th Sabbath Offering this quarter will help schools in the East-Central Africa region, including this one.
4 jan 2023
Mission spotlight 31 december 2022. In Melbourne, Australia, Adventists found that serving the people was the best way to share a message of hope with them. Following Christ's method of ministry has multiplied their mission hubs!
28 dec 2022
Mission spotlight 24 december 2022. This quarter, a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will help create King’s Kids Discipleship Series. This is five children’s TV series of 13 episodes each based on the Conflict of the Ages series, for the South Pacific.
21 dec 2022
Mission spotlight 17 december 2022. Eunice opened up her home to be used for mission. Let's visit her in Australia to see how God blessed her ministry.
14 dec 2022
Mission spotlight 10 december 2022. The life and ministry of the first African-American Seventh-day Adventist medical doctor was one of constant motion! Let's see some of the ways God used her for His glory.
9 dec 2022
Mission spotlight 3 december 2022. An original song by Eric and Monique. To hear more, visit them at https://www.ericandmonique.com
30 nov 2022
Mission spotlight 26 november 2022. Are you inspired to use a vehicle to take a ministry to those in need within your city? Visit the Mission to the Cities website for more stories on mobile centers of influence.
23 nov 2022
Mission spotlight 19 november 2022. Every day the children at camp received a card with a Bible verse on it to learn. As Dorcas held her card one day, she had an idea. When she returned home from camp, she asked her father to make copies of all the Bible verse cards to share with her friends at school.
16 nov 2022
Mission spotlight 12 november 2022. Thanks to your support of the 13th Sabbath Offering, projects like 10,000 Toes have touched the lives of many in the South Pacific.
9 nov 2022
Mission spotlight 5 november 2022. Vegan Fresh offers a healthy variety of options to its customers in California, USA. Let's hear from some of them now!
2 nov 2022
Mission spotlight 29 oktober 2022. There are still areas of the world where it’s difficult and even dangerous to become a Christian—and where it’s difficult and dangerous to share the gospel. So we will put a veil over these places while still telling as much of the story as we can.
26 okt 2022
Mission spotlight 22 oktober 2022. Pray for dedicated church planters on the most challenging edge of mission—sharing the Adventist Message with every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
19 okt 2022
Mission spotlight 15 oktober 2022. Eight-year-old Christian squinted his eyes as he looked up to catch his first glimpse of the mission plane in the sky. It was the start of a new missionary adventure!
13 okt 2022
Mission spotlight 8 oktober 2022. Let's visit Papua New Guinea to see how an old radio transformed a family and how they came to know Jesus!
6 okt 2022
Mission spotlight 1 oktober 2022. "I never thought in my life I would be part of a Bible study group," said one person in Dubbo, Australia. Watch to see how people's lives have been transformed thanks to real relationships.
29 sep 2022
Mission spotlight 24 september 2022. It’s never too late to follow in God’s footsteps. Laura Napoli Gonçalves is known affectionately by her fellow church members as Grandma Laura. At 75 years old, she learned about the Seventh-day Adventist Church through an invitation from her granddaughters.
22 sep 2022
Mission spotlight 17 september 2022. Dr. Íris and Dr. Tayana were prepared to do mission work, but what they didn't expect was to fall in love on the Amazon.
15 sep 2022
Mission spotlight 10 september 2022. Bandara hated Christians. He didn’t like that they believed that God created the world and that God can forgive sins. He thought both were impossible. One day, everything changed for Bandara.
8 sep 2022
Mission spotlight 3 september 2022. A beautiful version of the song "Abide With Me," sung by Emily Beth Beacham.
1 sep 2022
Mission spotlight 27 augusti 2022. A major challenge in mission is finding ways to reach the millions of people in cities around the world. Some Adventists have branched out and come up with ideas that are outside the box.
25 aug 2022
Mission spotlight 20 augusti 2022. Sebastián looked up at his mother and father at the breakfast table. “Let’s pray,” he said. His parents looked at each other in surprise. They believed in God, but they never prayed before eating.
18 aug 2022
Mission spotlight 13 augusti 2022. In the heart of the Amazon jungle, a school pulses the message of Christ. Meet the IAAI, Adventist Agro Industrial Institute. Let's see how the 13th Sabbath Offering helped this school and its mission.
11 aug 2022
Mission spotlight 6 augusti 2022. After the tragedy of wildfires in California, God used a llama to bring joy and healing to the community!
4 aug 2022
Mission spotlight 30 juli 2022. On the island of Romblon in the Philippines, Ike and Gerbie are retirees who devote their time to developing three hectares of land for the Lord’s work.
28 jul 2022
Mission spotlight 23 juli 2022. Larry has found that by implementing Christ’s method of ministry, people allow him into their daily lives. He works as a Global Mission pioneer on a remote island in Indonesia!
21 jul 2022
Mission spotlight 16 juli 2022. Sabbath became the best day of the week for Agustina. She was thrilled to welcome the Sabbath at Aunt Marita’s house with a Bible story, singing, and prayer on Friday evening.
14 jul 2022
Mission spotlight 9 juli 2022. Ariel liked the idea of being a missionary, but what could a 12-year-old boy in Bolivia do? He prayed and asked God to help him be a missionary.
7 jul 2022
Mission spotlight 2 juli 2022. Now that Jair has accepted Christ as his Savior, he wants to use his talents to help others. His bicycle workshop has been transformed into an urban center of influence.
30 jun 2022
Mission spotlight 25 juni 2022. William H. and Nora Anderson were leading pioneers of Adventist mission in southern Africa. They blazed the trail for an expanding mission throughout the southern part of the continent.
23 jun 2022
Mission spotlight 18 juni 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t stopped Adventist women across the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean region from ministering to their communities! Since the lockdown, women from churches across Madagascar have been involved in outreach to the most vulnerable.
16 jun 2022
Mission spotlight 11 juni 2022. Studies show that all over the world, the older population is growing, and in many societies, seniors spend most of their days alone. As we strive to reach people in urban areas under the Mission to the Cities initiative, how can we connect with this group that spends a majority of their time in isolation?
9 jun 2022
Mission spotlight 4 juni 2022. A beautifully arranged and original song by Gary Lewinson.
2 jun 2022
Mission spotlight 28 maj 2022. Victoria didn't let retirement stop her from using her skills to help one of the most unreached people groups in society. Today her efforts are paying off and God is blessing her work in Sri Lanka.
26 maj 2022
Mission spotlight 21 maj 2022. Jeremiah thought his aunt was joking. Who would want to sit inside a church on such a lovely day? He refused to go, but one day something changed.
19 maj 2022
Mission spotlight 14 maj 2022. Like many Adventist missionaries, Dr. Bellosillo was serving far from his homeland and family because he had answered Jesus’ call by saying, “I Will Go.” As we know all too well, COVID-19 has killed millions. And we have also lost many Adventist believers and church workers--our colleagues in mission--to the pandemic.
12 maj 2022
Mission spotlight 7 maj 2022. José has a desire in his heart to serve as a pastor. He dreams about going to the mission field one day, ministering to the hearing-impaired.
5 maj 2022
Mission spotlight 30 april 2022. One of Jesus’ most memorable miracles was feeding thousands of people in need of food. A church in Kansas City, in the middle of the United States, has been following Jesus’ example of feeding the multitudes.
28 apr 2022
Mission spotlight 23 april 2022. The COVID-19 crisis changed everything for ADRA. The needs had never been greater, but lockdowns, travel restrictions, remote work, and every new uncertainty brought on by the pandemic required new ways of thinking and new ways to meet these unprecedented humanitarian challenges.
21 apr 2022
Mission spotlight 16 april 2022. When Ricardo was 10, he had an accident while jumping over a fence. He didn’t notice a thin metal wire on the other side of the fence, and it caused him to hit the ground head first. Let's see how God is working in his life today.
14 apr 2022
Mission spotlight 9 april 2022. John was a bright, young student in Malawi. From his teenage years to his time at the university, John learned firsthand the difference Adventist schools make in people’s lives.
7 apr 2022
Mission spotlight 2 april 2022. Mr. and Mrs. Mpofu knew that their animals were meant for the Lord. As the couple watched over their livestock, they felt inspired to do more for God.
31 mar 2022
Mission spotlight 26 mars 2022. Nung was determined to learn English. So when an Adventist English language center opened in her town in Northern Laos, she jumped at the opportunity.
24 mar 2022
Mission spotlight 19 mars 2022. When disaster strikes, the most vulnerable often struggle the most. The COVID-19 pandemic put low-income families around the world in difficult positions. Some have been unable to provide for their family’s most basic needs and put food on the table.
17 mar 2022
Mission spotlight 12 mars 2022. Simple gestures like the ones Kaitaia Church are making are the things that actually connect us at a much deeper level. You can be a changemaker in your community as well. Just find your local Seventh-day Adventist Church to see how you can make it a reality.
10 mar 2022
Mission spotlight 5 mars 2022. An inspiring and original song performed by collaborators from around the world!
3 mar 2022
Mission spotlight 26 februari 2022. What is it like to be an Adventist volunteer? Let's find out by talking with Larissa, who served in Lebanon!
24 feb 2022
Mission spotlight 19 februari 2022. Every Sabbath, the long trip to a new church was an adventure for Anita. Best of all, every Sabbath Anita got to worship God. Anita liked being a missionary kid!
17 feb 2022
Mission spotlight 12 februari 2022. Even before the first brick was laid, the Lord had His hands on the Essential Life Center, an Urban Center of Influence. Find out how lives were transformed through Adventists in Cambodia.
10 feb 2022
Mission spotlight 5 februari 2022. God has given each of us a way to serve and show His love to the world. It can be difficult to find a career that pairs our God-given talents and interests with ministry. For students interested in adventure and service, Union College’s International Rescue and Relief program tries to do just that.
3 feb 2022
Mission spotlight 29 januari 2022. One of the biggest mission challenges today is that of the call to reach the cities. Many of the world’s largest cities are in the least-reached parts of the world, where few Adventist members, or Christians from any background, are living. So what should we be doing?
27 jan 2022
Mission spotlight 22 januari 2022. Thanks to the 13th Sabbath Offering in 1959, the Adventist Church in Sri Lanka purchased a plot of land with a house on it in Kandy, a city in the Central Province of the Island. The dream was to start much needed medical work. Let's find out what's happening there today.
20 jan 2022
Mission spotlight 15 januari 2022. Bino’s mom wanted him to learn English, so she asked his dad to find an international school in Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste, where they lived. Because of Timor Adventist International School, the whole family now speaks English, but more importantly they love Jesus with all their hearts.
13 jan 2022
Mission spotlight 8 januari 2022. The Timor Adventist International School provides for the children an opportunity for the future and for the future development of their country. Let's see how your contribution to the 13th Sabbath Offering makes a difference here!
6 jan 2022
Mission spotlight 1 januari 2022. Abram La Rue, a shepherd and woodcutter from the United States, just knew he had to take the good news to Asia in the 1800s. Today, this region is home to 1.1 billion people, including 1.7 million Adventists.
30 dec 2021
Mission spotlight 25 december 2021. After nearly 65 years without much growth, the members of the Puli Seventh-day Adventist Church in Taiwan knew they needed to try something different. After some brainstorming, Adventists caught the vision!
23 dec 2021
Mission spotlight 18 december 2021. The hills around Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, are covered in brightly colored houses and traditional yurts, or gers. Let's see how a Global Mission pioneer couple used their traditional home to minister to their community.
16 dec 2021
Mission spotlight 11 december 2021. Union College, an Adventist institution in the United States, offers a very unique degree that has the perfect mix of adventure, education, and service. Join us on a journey to Alaska!
9 dec 2021
Mission spotlight 4 december 2021. An original song by H.O.P.E. to highlight the I Will Go initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
2 dec 2021
Mission spotlight 27 november 2021. Let's journey to Iraq to learn a history lesson and hear insight from Rick McEdward, president of the Middle East North Africa Union.
25 nov 2021
Mission spotlight 20 november 2021. Sehee moved with her family to the countryside after living in a big city in South Korea. Her mom was excited about the move. But Sehee wasn’t so sure about that.
18 nov 2021
Mission spotlight 13 november 2021. Adventist Mission team leaders reminisce about a trip from years ago. They'll never forget the impact that a single Global Mission pioneer made!
11 nov 2021
Mission spotlight 6 november 2021. For Rebecca, depression was a deep, dark hole. She needed help. She turned to a program run by ADRA, that helped her experience life in a new way.
4 nov 2021
Mission spotlight 30 oktober 2021. Li’s lifestyle put a strain on his family, and his wife left him. Not long after she left, he had a stroke. Let's find out how Li's life was turned around.
28 okt 2021
Mission spotlight 23 oktober 2021. The money used to support missionaries was running out. When the church was nearly forced to call its missionaries home, Adventists stepped up. They accepted the challenge of the mission offering.
21 okt 2021
Mission spotlight 16 oktober 2021. It was a Tuesday afternoon and Fatima, a Syrian mom from Aleppo, had convinced a friend to change her plans for the day. She didn’t realize how crucial that decision would turn out to be.
14 okt 2021
Mission spotlight 9 oktober 2021. Moving to a new country can be a difficult experience: new food, new language, new culture. It can be overwhelming and even scary. Adventists in South Korea wanted to create a space to help people integrate into the country, while feeling supported.
7 okt 2021
Mission spotlight 2 oktober 2021. The Adventist church in Japan invited the General Conference and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division to partner with them to create Mission Unusual—a massive church planting and disciple making movement. Let's see how things are going!
30 sep 2021
Mission spotlight 25 september 2021. Every year, Adventist schools like Palau Mission Academy rely heavily on volunteers to teach the next generation of leaders. This quarter, a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will help build staff housing at Palau Mission Academy.
23 sep 2021
Mission spotlight 18 september 2021. Anees took action to seek out refugee communities in his area to help meet their needs.
16 sep 2021
Mission spotlight 11 september 2021. Adventists in Vietnam constructed a seven-story building as an Urban Center of Influence in Hanoi to meet the needs of the local community.
9 sep 2021
Mission spotlight 4 september 2021. An original song by Contagious Faith. To hear more from this group, visit contagiousfaithmusic.com
2 sep 2021
Mission spotlight 28 augusti 2021. For some, music is just a combination of sounds to listen to. But for Sunil, music has a far greater value in his spiritual journey to know Christ.
26 aug 2021
Mission spotlight 21 augusti 2021. The coronavirus was spreading, and schools were shutting down across the United States and the rest of the world. Eleven-year-old Katelyn and her 9-year-old sister, Kallie, ended up back at home on the Navajo Reservation right in the middle of the school year.
19 aug 2021
Mission spotlight 14 augusti 2021. One of the world’s most densely populated islands is home to a Seventh-day Adventist school. Thanks to your contributions to the 2018 offering, renovation to the floors and walls of the first and second floors is complete!
14 aug 2021
Mission spotlight 7 augusti 2021. Churches and schools, adults, children and academy students are praying for the cities! We believe that as we gather in spirit, praying in unity for the cities, God will be with us and hear our prayers.
7 aug 2021
Mission spotlight 31 juli 2021. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a plan--and you’re part of it! This plan is called I Will Go and it includes all of us. So you might be wondering, “How can I get involved?” Tiffany, a church planter in the United States talked with Mike Ryan, a Church leader involved in setting up the I Will Go plan, to get his input.
31 jul 2021
Mission spotlight 24 juli 2021. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency, or ADRA, is the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. A team of more than 10,000 dedicated humanitarians in more than 100 countries serve the world’s most vulnerable people every day.
24 jul 2021
Mission spotlight 17 juli 2021. On a Sunday afternoon in a small town, a group gathers for a purse party. Inside each one of the purses there's a tag that tells about the refugee who sewed that purse, asking the buyer to pray for that refugee.
17 jul 2021
Mission spotlight 10 juli 2021. When Jimmy was a kid, his people, the Karen were being persecuted. He was able to come to United States, and years later, Jimmy is ministering to the Karen people throughout North America.
10 jul 2021
Mission spotlight 3 juli 2021. The Seventh-day movement began in North America in the mid-1800s. At the time, thousands of Christians were searching for greater understanding of biblical prophecy. Like the early days of the Advent movement, we have an opportunity to share a message of hope throughout the North American Division.
3 jul 2021
Mission spotlight 26 juni 2021. Students and faculty from the Adventist University of Venezuela operate the Center of Languages, giving students and the community access to learning English, Portuguese, and French. Language skills are in high demand!
26 jun 2021
Mission spotlight 19 juni 2021. Of all the places in the world, you may not expect to find very many Jews in Mexico City. But Adventists here are praying for this large unreached people group.
18 jun 2021
Mission spotlight 12 juni 2021. Church members in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, worked together to serve home-cooked meals to a full crowd of people: children, students, retirees, and others looking for jobs.
11 jun 2021
Mission spotlight 5 juni 2021. A scripture song from 2 Corinthians 12 verses 9-10 from the album PURIFY.
3 jun 2021
Mission Spotlight 29 maj 2021. Seyha takes tourists to ancient and historic spots around the city of Siem Reap, not on vans or buses but by motorbike. This unique adventure creates opportunities for Seyha to share his journey of faith in Christ.
26 maj 2021
Mission Spotlight 22 maj 2021. Magdalina became a real missionary when she shared tracts with a dentist and told him about Jesus. She wants to live the rest of her life sharing Jesus with others.
19 maj 2021
Mission Spotlight 15 maj 2021. Despite the fast-paced growth and economic development in Battambang, many residents experience poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and social challenges. The Seventh-day Adventist Church sees these challenges as opportunities to make people’s lives better.
15 maj 2021
Mission spotlight 8 maj 2021. "I was able to utilize social media, to begin my church planting journey." Reylourd and his team created an app to help them connect with people in their large city!
4 maj 2021
Mission spotlight 1 maj 2021. Tiffany, a church planter in the United States, joins Gary Krause, director of Global Mission, to talk about the importance of wholistic mission.
27 apr 2021
Mission spotlight 24 april 2021. The church's system of regular and systematic offerings is just like a river. Every time we give our mission offerings, we're adding water to a life-giving river that flows through often parched lands, bringing life and hope.
21 apr 2021
Mission spotlight 17 april 2021. Only a year after he joined the Adventist Church, 19 year old Arthur sensed God calling him to serve in China. Let's follow his 17-year mission journey!
14 apr 2021
Mission spotlight 10 april 2021. In Puerto Rico, Adventists have created a space where everyone is welcome. An Urban Center of Influence was started to help people prioritize community, education, and family.
8 apr 2021
MIssion Spotlight 3 april 2021. Little boys love to run and play. Uriel wanted to be like the other boys, but he couldn’t run--he could barely even walk! Let's hear how Uriel's life was transformed by God.
1 apr 2021
MIssion Spotlight 27 mars 2021. Come with us to Russia and discover how an Adventist school is changing the lives of youth! Zaoksky Christian School has been operating in Russia since 1993, and many students have been blessed by Adventist education.
25 mar 2021
Mission Spotlight 20 mars. Alvard felt completely lost as her daughter lay in a hospital bed. The doctors weren't optimistic, so Alvard pleaded with God to save her daughter.
17 mar 2021
Mission spotlight 13 mars 2021. Aya wanted to create a fun and safe space for kids in Tokyo, but it would take a miracle to be able to afford a new house. Watch to see how God provided in her life!
10 mar 2021
Mission spotlight 6 mars 2021. An original song to highlight the I Will Go initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
3 mar 2021
Mission Spotlight 27 februari 2021. One small step can be a huge leap of faith for the Lord. Mundari, a local church member in the city of Manado, Indonesia, decided to make a difference by doing little acts of kindness for people who are visually impaired.
24 feb 2021
Mission Spotlight 20 februari 2021. Jared thought it would be fun to surprise people with gifts. He wrapped up gifts, threw them over people's fences, then ran and hid.
17 feb 2021
Mission Spotlight 13 februari 2021. Thanks to the generous giving to the 13th Sabbath Offering, kids in Kyrgyzstan now have a place to play and learn year round. Let's visit them to see how their lives have been impacted!
10 feb 2021
Mission Spotlight 6 februari 2021. In Fiji, all members are encouraged to build close relationships with their neighbors and their friends, lead them to know Jesus, and plant new churches where people live. Let's see how Simelli and Josephine planted a church in their home!
4 feb 2021
Mission Spotlight 30 januari 2021. Following Reach the World, the Church evaluated the effectiveness of our different initiatives worldwide to gain valuable insights for the future. After years of work and research, we developed that evaluation system and transformed it into a strategy that will run from 2020 to 2025 - which is called I Will Go.
27 jan 2021
Mission Spotlight 23 januari 2021. Did you know that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a strategic plan for the next five years? The plan is called I Will Go and it continues the Church’s mission to Reach the World. Adventists around the world are invited to participate and take the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
21 jan 2021
Mission Spotlight 16 januari 2021. Dogs and their owners in Quito, Ecuador are thrilled that One Year in Mission volunteers have become part of their community. The young volunteers came to share the love of Jesus—and surprisingly, this includes taking care of dogs.
14 jan 2021
Mission Spotlight 9 januari 2021. Getting an Adventist education in Ukraine when it was under the control of the Soviet Union was not just difficult--it was impossible. The city of Bucha was no exception, but now an Adventist school is providing wholistic education to the community.
5 jan 2021
Mission Spotlight 26 december 2020. Gabriel had taken a year off school because of health issues. But a friend told him about a mountain village where people had never heard of Jesus. Even though his health was getting worse, Gabriel felt compelled to go.
23 dec 2020
Mission Spotlight 19 december 2020. When Sarah’s husband left her four years ago, she knew she had to find a way to support herself. But she didn’t know where to look for a job. She prayed for direction, and God impressed her to share His Word with the people living around her.
17 dec 2020
Mission Spotlight 12 december 2020. Leilani took a year from studying at her university to become a student missionary. She knew she wanted to serve overseas but didn’t know where God wanted her to go, until the opportunity to go to Albania opened up!
10 dec 2020
Mission Spotlight 5 december 2020. An original Southern Asian style song by Padma Medidi.
3 dec 2020
Mission Spotlight 28 november 2020. Global Mission pioneers are church planters who impact their communities in positive ways. This pioneer's passion is to grow closer to his neighbors and make a difference.
26 nov 2020
Mission Spotlight 21 november 2020. Rishon and his family were moving from the big city to a small house on a mountainside. Rishon had many toys, and his mom and dad needed to talk with him about getting rid of some of them in a creative way.
19 nov 2020
Mission Spotlight 15 november 2020. Thirty years ago, the Seventh-day Adventist Church embarked on a bold new mission focus that would totally change the face of the church. Today, we still need people to answer the call to mission… to reach the unreached with hope… to share the good news of Jesus.
11 nov 2020
Mission Spotlight 7 november 2020. Jack met Jesus for the first time through his school principal. Years later, he's never forgotten that experience and now wants to share Jesus with others.
5 nov 2020
Mission Spotlight 31 oktober 2020. In 1912, the Titanic sank, Istanbul was part of the Ottoman Empire, and the Adventist church introduced a new way to advance mission. More than 100 years later, the 13th Sabbath Offering has supported hundreds of projects around the world!
28 okt 2020
Mission Spotlight 24 oktober. Jenny stepped out of her comfort zone to flew to another continent to spend a year in mission. Let's hear how the year has impacted her so far.
21 okt 2020
Mission Spotlight 17 oktober 2020. A church in Papua New Guinea decided to restructure the way they do ministry. They follow the model in the book of Acts, how the new testament church grew. The results have been astonishing!
14 okt 2020
Mission Spotlight 10 oktober 2020. When Anchal was eight, she left her small village and arrived at Varanasi Seventh-day Adventist School. She had no friends, she didn’t respect the teachers, and she knew nothing about Jesus. Now, her life has been transformed!
7 okt 2020
Mission Spotlight 3 oktober 2020. Jesus would have died for just one person of the 1.3 billion who live in Southern Asia. That’s how much He loves the people here in the Southern Asia Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
30 sep 2020
Mission Spotlight 26 september 2020. Darlington loves playing basketball. But even though his school has a basketball court, he’d rather play at other schools because his school’s court is dangerous.
23 sep 2020
Mission Spotlight 19 september 2020. The West-Central Africa Division sends missionaries to the frontlines of mission in both the cities, and remote, hard to reach areas. But mission also happens in Pierre’s office at the division headquarters.
16 sep 2020
Mission Spotlight 12 september 2020. Yulian could barely feed himself from the money he earned shining shoes. His life was transformed when he met Filip, a Global Mission pioneer.
9 sep 2020
Mission Spotlight 5 september 2020. Nester snuck out of school to sell donuts at the market. When her teachers found out, she didn't get the reaction she expected.
3 sep 2020
Mission Spotlight 29 augusti 2020. A missionary family packed their bags and prepared for a new adventure in Albania! God called Delmar, Nati, and 3-year-old Clara to serve in the 10/40 Window.
26 aug 2020
Mission Spotlight 22 augusti 2020. Children crowded around as Emmanuel and Aggee fought! Aggee had a lot of anger in his heart until he met Jesus.
19 aug 2020
Mission Spotlight 15 augusti 2020. Thanks to your past contributions to the 13th Sabbath Offering, the Floating Church was built to serve the Amazon! There are entire communities with either no knowledge of the Bible or no churches.
17 aug 2020
Mission Spotlight 8 augusti 2020. When a friend asked me for a ride, something impressed me that I should bring my family along. While we were driving, a strong storm started that caused our wooden church building to collapse on top of my house!
10 aug 2020
Mission Spotlight 1 augusti 2020. Neena does what most dog owners do. She takes her dog out for a walk every day to enjoy the outside air. But things are a little different for Neena.
3 aug 2020
Mission Spotlight 25 juli 2020. There’s nothing unusual about the Adventist Church being involved in mission. Mission has always been our focus. But there is something very unusual about a new mission movement taking off in Tokyo.
27 jul 2020
Mission Spotlight 18 juli 2020. Butterflies everywhere! In Cambodia, the Butterfly Paradise is sharing a message of hope in a unique way.
20 jul 2020
Mission Spotlight 11 juli 2020. There was a silent killer in Ioryina’s home. It was slowly sapping the life and health of his family. That was until he discovered what was slowly taking away their health.
13 jul 2020
Mission Spotlight 4 juli 2020. The Seventh-day Adventist Church took root in Liberia nearly 100 years ago. After much war, they have struggled to rebuild churches and are now asking for your help!
6 jul 2020
Mission Spotlight 27 juni 2020. Can the church still be relevant here in Sortland, Norway? Pastor Kenneth believes so. The key is forming connections where people are and meeting their most painful needs.
27 jun 2020
Mission spotlight 20 juni 2020. Elias and Melina left their home in Argentina and moved to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Check out the Meeting Point, a Global Mission Urban Center of Influence, where they serve as volunteers for Jesus.
18 jun 2020
Mission Spotlight 16 maj 2020: Young Community in an Old City
15 maj 2020