Beskrivning saknas...
8 jun 2016
Beskrivning saknas...
6 jun 2016
Beskrivning saknas...
5 jun 2016
Beskrivning saknas...
4 jun 2016
Beskrivning saknas...
3 jun 2016
God is looking for willing women and men who allow the flow of His power to others to change the world from darkness to light. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through women and men; our church might be looking for better methods to accomplish God’s Mission; But God is looking for trusting and willing women and men.
6 jun 2014
In our day and age, leaders and pastors need a wide range of skills and members have high expectations to fulfil their assignments. Who is understanding and helping leaders develop their gifts and competencies? How are we actively looking for potential leaders? What training systems for leaders & pastors do we have in place? How often do we ask God to raise up leaders in our church? How does the church structure help us in developing leaders?
6 jun 2014
“You cannot be a leader if you are afraid of responsibility and accountability”. “If you keep on doing what you have been doing, you will keep on getting what you have been getting!” Strategic Thinking is to pause, vision, set targets and sharpen the blade – it is also an excellent way to communicate with the members.
6 jun 2014
Who is a Leader? Types of leadership. Leadership within a Church Context. Understanding Church Structures. Leadership Through Policies. Independent and Supporting Ministries.
6 jun 2014
What are the BIG Leadership Challenges in your Ministry? What are the big leadership CHANGES/DEVELOPMENTS (OPPORTUNITIES & THREATS) in your ministry – FOCUS ON BIG Pictures and the elephants as well? HOW WILL YOUR LEADERSHIP LOOK LIKE IN 2030?
6 jun 2014
Hur kan församlingsverksamheten fungera på bästa möjliga sätt?
5 jun 2014
Adventistsamfundets mål och visioner.
5 jun 2014
Hur utvärderar jag församlingens resurser? Hur ser min församling ut?
5 jun 2014
I denna pingsthelgsandakt jämför David det som hände på pingsten med det som hände vid Babels torn. Vid mänsklig ambition leder mångfald ofta till splittring. Men i Guds verk blir den istället ett bevis på Guds storhet då mångfalden i de troendes gemenskap yttrar sig i kärlek, omsorg och nåd.
5 jun 2014
Sebastian Matula håller vittnesbörd.
16 jun 2012
Presentation av Jan Paulsen och en kort frågestund.
16 jun 2012
Christ's final message to the twelve.
16 jun 2012
Lessons in leadership that I have learned
16 jun 2012
Living in tension -- living between the cross an the second coming, what does God expect of us?
15 jun 2012
"Dressed for the journey"
15 jun 2012